Business Center
All Forms
Authorization for Personal Services (APS)
Budget Transfer for Cost-Centers and Grants
Expense Transfers - Cost-Centers and Grants
Student Notice of Award (SNOA)
Wire Transfers for Cost-Centers and Grants
Useful UTEP Forms & Resources
Each form below can be found under its respective department in the Forms Mine .
*Please send these forms to the Business Center before submitting to any central office on campus
- Adjunct Letter Template
- Authorization of Personal Services
- Authorization to Deduct Outstanding Travel Advance from Payroll
- Database Template
- Entertainment Expense Form
- Grants Cash Advance Request with instructions
- IOC Travel Request Authorization
- Mileage Reimbursement Log (2024)
- PaymentWorks
- Purchase Requisition Form
- Memo for SNOA non-financial aid related
- Student Payee Information Form
- Student TA letter template
- Tax Exemption Certificate
- Texas Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemption Certificate
- Travel Reimbursement Form (2024)