Non-PO Voucher
Non-PO Voucher payments are processed for all non-employee payments when a purchase order is not required or was not created.
It is strongly encouraged by UTEP to create a purchase order for all services or purchases. For example, but not limited to, vendor payment for services, memberships, and registration fees. UTEP operates under the Prompt Payment Act payment term is defaulted to 30 days.
To initiate a payment to be processed as a non-po voucher, submit a Business Center Reimbursement/Vendor Payment form. Review the documentation available and include the following:
- Invoice to be paid
- Purpose/reason for the reimbursement/payment request
- Include the vendor ID. (Initiate a PaymentWorks registration for new suppliers)
- Attach other documentation available for payment request (Approved APS, agenda, flyers.
- Provide justification as to why a PO was not created beforehand.