Grants Cash Advance Request
In order to request a Cash Advance from a Grant, we need the following:
1) Grants Cash Advance Form needs to be completed and signed by the PI, Dean/Chair.2) Email the Business Center the Grants Cash Advance Request (attached) and the BC will submit it to Contracts & Grants (C&G). C&G will
review and process the TA and notify that the funds are ready to be picked up or will be direct deposit.
3) Cash advances are only for UTEP Employees (Faculty/Mentor/Staff).
4) A log must be kept for all cash/gift cards are distributed and once the Cash Advance is completed
5) Once the research has been completed, and the Cash Advance (Cash/Gift Card) have been disbursed, an expense report must be submitted via business center to reconcile the cash advance
6) The following items must be submitted to the BC for reconciling and to close the Cash Advance Request:
a) A log of the cash or gift cards distributed including the recipients’ name and email address, the amount of the gift card given, the date that the gift card was given and the signature of the recipient.
b) A receipt showing the payment for any gift cards.
c) A properly completed Entertainment Expense Form.
d) Unused Funds must be deposited prior to reconciling the Cash Advance
i) Check Payable to UTEP
ii) Deposit Form must be filled out and signed
7) The Business Center will create the Expense Report and associate it to the cash advance.
Keep in mind the following items regarding cash advances for participant support.
- Cash, gift certificates and gift cards for any amount are disallowed for employees (staff, faculty, or student-employee). These items are taxable to the recipient, and it is administratively infeasible to assess and collect the required taxes and fringe benefits. (HOP section 7, chapter 12.10). An employee of the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é is defined as an individual that is employed for at least 19 hours per week and/or employed in a position for which student status is required as a condition of the employment.
- Cash, gift certificates and gift cards for non-employees may not exceed $50 per participant.