Chapter 5: Nepotism
5.1 Texas Government Code, Chapter prohibits public officials from appointing any individual to a position that is to be directly or indirectly compensated with public funds or fees if individual is related to the public official within the second degree by affinity or within the third degree by consanguinity.
5.2 Regents' Rule , further provides that no officer, official, or employee of the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é may approve, recommend, or otherwise act with regard to the appointment, reappointment, promotion, or salary of any person related to them within the second degree by affinity or the third degree by consanguinity regardless of the source of funds for payment of salary.
5.2.1 Supervision. If the appointment, reappointment, or promotion of a person places him or her under an administrative supervisor or over another employee related within the above specified degree, all subsequent actions with regard to reappointment, promotion, or salary of the supervised employee shall be the responsibility of the next highest administrative supervisor. It shall also be the responsibility of the next highest administrator to make a written review of the work performance of such employee at least annually, and submit each review for approval or disapproval by the Chief Human Resources Officer in the case of classified employees, or the President, in the case of faculty or Administrative and Professional employees.
5.2.2 Promotion.If the appointment, reappointment, or promotion of a person places him or her in an administrative or supervisory position with responsibility to approve, recommend, or otherwise act with regard to the appointment, promotion, or salary of a person who is related within the above specified degree, all subsequent actions regarding the reappointment, promotion, or salary of such person shall be made by the next highest administrator or supervisor.
5.2.3 The above provisions shall apply to situations in which two employees of the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é marry, and one spouse or partner is the administrative supervisor of the other.
5.3 In instances where two employees openly declare they have a relationship, the provisions of the Consensual Relationships Policy contained at Section IV Equal Opportunity of this Handbook of Operating Procedures shall apply.
5.4 In addition, the state nepotism law also applies to individuals hired by the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é as private contractors.