Chapter 2: Classification of Staff Positions
2.1 The Staff Classification Plan
The Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é shall maintain and administer a classification plan for classified employee service to accurately reflect the current duties, responsibilities, and work requirements of all positions. The classification plan will group positions and assign titles to those positions that involve substantially the same kind of work, substantially equivalent difficulty and responsibility, and comparable experience and training requirements into the same class. The classification plan will consist of a schedule of appropriately descriptive class titles and a description of the nature and requirements of work for each of the listed titles. The Human Resource Services Director will, as changes in organization and assignments of work require, recommend amendments to the classification plan. Such recommendations will be directed through the Senior Executive Vice President for approval by the President of the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é, The Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é of Texas System Administration, and the Board of Regents.
2.2 Job Descriptions
The Office Human Resource Services will provide current and accurate written job descriptions for each title in the classification plan. Each job description will include a description of the duties and responsibilities of the work, and a statement of the qualifications a person should possess in order to perform the duties of a position.
2.3 Job Titles
2.3.1 No person will be appointed to, or employed in a position in the classified service under a job title not included in the classification plan.
2.3.2 Official class job titles will be used in all personnel, accounting, budget appropriation, and financial records. However, internal working titles may be used in connection with departmental routine to indicate functional or authority status or administrative rank within the work unit.
2.3.3 Generally, the addition of job titles, the deletion of job titles, and other various alterations involving job titles will be accomplished annually with any such changes to be effective on the first day of the fiscal year. Occasionally, as a result of unusual circumstances, changes may be requested during the fiscal year. Any midyear changes, however, must be fully justified and require administrative approval
2.4 Establishment of New Staff Positions
2.4.1 A Position Audit conducted by Human Resources Services is required for all new positions, including those approved in the budget preparation process. When the need for the establishment of a new classified position has been determined, the department head will prepare a Position Audit form in support of the new position for submission to the Human Resources Services Department.
2.4.2 Should the proposed position require the establishment of a job title not in the current Classified Pay Plan, a job description will be written by the Office of Human Resource Services. The request for the new position and job description will then be sent to the U.T. System Personnel Office for approval. All new job classifications must be approved by the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é and UT System Personnel Office before that classification may be implemented.
2.5 Reclassification of Existing Staff Positions
2.5.1 A reclassification of a position is necessary when its duties have changed sufficiently to require a change of title. A reclassification always involves a change in title, but it may not necessarily involve a change in salary.
2.5.2 A request for the reclassification of an existing position will follow the same procedures and will be processed in the same manner as set forth in 2.4 above. Any approved reclassification shall carry the minimum pay level for the new position or the existing pay level of the reclassified employee if that pay level is within the authorized pay range for the new position.