Graduate Certificate in Big Data Analytics
Program Description
This certificate program will provide students a foundation in big data analytics with a focus on the requisite theory and practice with current applications. In the program, students will gain exposure to concepts of big data analytics, beginning with the basis in mathematics and statistics and moving onto applications of data mining, programming and data visualization. This program is appropriate for those with backgrounds in almost any field, but does require completion of calculus I and an applied statistics course prior to admission. Students who graduate from this program will have the skills appropriate to work as applied data scientists in government, industry or education. We have applied for financial aid to the US Department of Education in order to support students enrolled in this certificate program.
Admittance Criteria
Admission to the program requires admission to the graduate school and a minimum of a 3.00 GPA. Prerequisites to admission include STAT 2480 or equivalent with a minimum grade of "B" and MATH 1411 or MATH 2301 or equivalent with a minimum grade of "B". Students are not permitted to pursue the Applied Statistics and the Big Data Analytics certificates simultaneously.
Students are required to take STAT 5474, STAT 5428 and STAT 5195 and choose two courses from the Prescribed Elective Courses. For many of these graduate level statistics courses, there are existing prerequisites. The required course (STAT 5474) has STAT 5428 with a B or better as a prerequisite. For most elective courses, STAT 3330 and STAT 4380 are prerequisites, either directly or indirectly (via a prerequisite that requires these courses). One course (STAT 5494) requires STAT 5380.
Required Courses
- STAT 5428 - Introduction to Statistical Analysis
- STAT 5474 - Introduction to Data Mining
- STAT 5195 - Graduate Seminar
Prescribed Elective Courses
- STAT 5329 - Statistical Programming
- STAT 5385 - Statistics in Research
- STAT 5388 - Multivariate Data Analysis
- STAT 5354 - Post-Genomics Analysis
- STAT 5494 - Statistical Data Mining
- MATH 5329 - Numerical Analysis
- CS 5354 - Topics in Intelligent Computing: Data Mining
Contact Us
For more information, please contact the program director:
Dr. Abhijit Mandal
Bell Hall 200