Business Center
- New appointments, appointment change, and re-appointments for faculty, students, staff
- : Authorization to engage and pay for professional services, contracted services, guest lecturers , and other temporary services. May not be used for current employees.
- : You now have access to submit an electronic leave request which will route to your “Reports To” manager in PeopleSoft.
- : Please remember you can still be a "Shopper" in Minermall and assign the cart to someone in the Business Center
- :Move an expenditure from one account to another or make a correction within the same account
- : Personal reimbursement or direct payment to vendors
- :Student support (stipend) as tuition, scholarships, or participant support.
- :Move funds within an account between budget categories (usually grant accounts); or move funds between different accounts (must be of the same type -14, 19, 30)