Strongly Correlated Materials Lab
The research in Strongly Correlated Materials Lab (SCML) is focused on discovery of novel magnetic phases and magnetic matter in complex oxides and intermetallics. We perform fundamental experimental work on frustrated magnetism and multiferroics. SCML houses an optical floating zone furnace and an X-ray Laue camera for the crystal growth of complex oxides and their crystallographic orientation, respectively. We travel to the X ray and neutron national laboratories in the country to perform advanced experiments on the crystals that we prepare at UTEP.
For details, please take a look at the group website,
or GScholar page
Dr. Harikrishnan S. Nair (Hari Nair,
Graduate students:
Cein Mandujano (Fall 2019 to present)
Nathan Episcopo (Summer 2019 to present)
Raju Baral (Fall 2017-Summer 2019), MS Thesis: “Low dimensionality of magnetism in trirutile CoTa2O6 and its derivatives”.
Undergraduate students:
Juan Arvilla Cordona (Fall 2019 to present) • Gicela Saucedo (Spring 2019 to present) • Sandra Gonzalez (Spring 2019 to present) • Cristian Rueda (Spring 2018 to present) • Kinley Wangmo (Fall 2018 to present) • Pema Dhendup (Spring 2019) • Hector S. Fierro (Spring 2018-Spring 2019) • Karma Dema (2017-2019)
Current research interests
Frustrated magnetic materials for magnonics
Quantum magnetism in garnets
Frustrated spins for multifunctional materials
Recent publications (2017-2019)
Complete list here:
- Signatures of low-dimensional magnetism and short-range magnetic order in Co-based trirutiles. R. Baral, H. S. Fierro, C. Rueda, B. Sahu, A. M. Strydom, N. Poudel, K. Gofryk, F. S. Manciu, C. Ritter, T. W. Heitmann, B. P. Belbase, S. Bati, M. P. Ghimire, and H. S. Nair, Phys. Rev. B 100, 184407, 2019
- A novel strongly spin-orbit coupled quantum dimer magnet: Yb2Si2O7. G. Hester, H. S. Nair, T. Reeder, D. R. Yahne, T. N. DeLazzer, L. Berges, D. Ziat, J. R. Neilson, A. A. Aczel, G. Sala, J. A. Quilliam, and K. A. Ross. Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 027201, 2019
- Field-independent features in the magnetization and specific heat of Sm3Co4Ge13. H. S. Nair, RameshKumar K., B. Sahu, S. P. Xhakasa, P.Mishra, D. Samal, S. K. Ghosh, B. R. Sekhar, A. M. Strydom. Crystals, 9, 322, 2019 (Invited)
- Antiferromagnetism and the emergence of frustration in saw-tooth lattice chalcogenide olivines Mn2SiS4-xSex (x = 0 – 4). H. Nhalil, R. Baral, B. O. Khamala, A. Cosio, S. R. Singamaneni, M. Fitta, D. Antonio, K. Gofryk, R. R. Zope, T. Baruah, B. Saparov, H. S. Nair. Phys. Rev. B, 99, 184434, 2019
- Contrasting the magnetism in La2-xSrxFeCoO6 (x = 0, 1, 2) double perovskites: the role of electronic and cationic disorder. G. R. Haripriya, C. M. N. Kumar, R. Pradheesh, L. M. Martinez, C. L. Saiz, S. R. Singamaneni, T. Chatterji, V. Sankaranarayanan, K. Sethupathi, B. Kiefer, and H. S. Nair. Phys. Rev. B, 99, 184411, 2019
- Crystal growth of quantum magnets in the rare-earth pyrosilicate family R2Si2O7 (R = Yb, Er) using the optical floating zone method. H. S. Nair, Tim DeLazzer, Tim Reeder, Antony Sikorski, Gavin Hester, and Kate A. Ross. Crystals, 9, 196, 2019
- Low dimensional magnetism in the trirutile tantalates Co1-xMgxTa2O6 with weak ferromagnetic features. R. Baral, H. S. Fierro, L. M. Martinez, S. R. Singamaneni, H. S. Nair. J. Appl. Phys., 125, 033904, 2019
- Magnetic structure and field-dependent magnetic phase diagram of Ni2In-type PrCuSi. H. S. Nair, C. M. N. Kumar, D. T. Adroja, C. Ritter, A. S. Wills, W. Kockelmann, P. P. Deen, A. Bhattacharyya, A. M. Strydom. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 30, 435803, 2018 (artwork selected as coverpage)
- Hyperfine interaction and electronic spin fluctuation study on Sr2-xLaxFeCoO6 (x = 0, 1, 2) by high resolution back-scattering neutron spectroscopy. T. Chatterji, B. Frick, M. Zamponi, M. Appel, H. S. Nair, R. Pradheesh, G. R. Hariprya, V. Sankaranarayanan and K. Sethupathi. Phys. Rev. B, 98, 094429, 2018 (Editor’s suggestion)
- Large magntocaloric effect and critical behaviour analysis in Gd2Cu2In. H. S. Nair, K. Ramesh Kumar, B. N. Sahu, S. Xhakaza and A. M. Strydom. Europhys. Lett., 122, 17003, 2018
- Absence of a long-range ordered magnetic ground state in Pr3Rh4Sn13 studied through specific heat and inelastic neutron scattering. H. S. Nair, M. O. Ogunbunmi, S. Ghosh, D. T. Adroja, M. M. Koza, T. Guidi, A. M. Strydom. J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 30, 145601, 2018
- Spin reorientation and disordered rare earth magnetism in Ho2FeCoO6. Haripriya G. R., H. S. Nair, Pradheesh R., Rayaprol S., Siruguri V., Singh D., Venkatesh R., Ganesan V., Sethupathi K., Sankaranarayanan V. J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 29, 475804, 2017 undefined