Career Enhancement Award
- Provide funding to enhance scholarship & creative activities
- Advance faculty careers
- Provide seed money for external funding
- Prepare faculty to compete for Faculty Development Leave
- All full-time faculty
- Tenured, Tenure-Track faculty
- Professors of Practice/Instruction
Evaluation Criteria:
- Significance of work
- Contribution to discipline
- Impact on applicant's career
- Expected output (i.e. grant submissions, manuscripts, articles)
- Likelihood of timely project completion
- Appropriateness of requested budget
Application Materials
Cover Letter
- Name
- Department/program
- Academic appointment
- Summary budget
Project Narrative
Two single-spaced pages addressing the following:
- Project summary
- Significance of project
- Contribution to career development
- Expected output
- Timeframe for completion
- Line-by-line budget and budget justification
- Funds can be used for travel, student support, materials, participant incentives, etc. (cannot be used to pay faculty salary)
- Note that all funds must be spent and reconciled by end of award period