News Archive
Fall 2015: Undergraduate major Ilana Gomez has been awarded the 2015 Archer Fellowship for the fall semester. As an Archer Fellow, Ilana will be working at an internship and taking classes on policy, history, and advocacy in Washington, D.C.
2015: Assistant Professor Amy Reed-Sandoval has been awarded a URI grant for her project "Philosophy for Children as Place-Based Philosophy in the Mexico-US Borderlands." The grant will permit the creation of a bilingual Philosophy for Children lending library at the UTEP Philosophy department. The library will feature philosophical children's books in Spanish and English, textbooks on Philosophy for Children pedagogical techniques, and a range of teaching materials. The library will be used by students who are teaching Philosophy for Children classes in the El Paso community.
2015: Visiting Assistant Professor Kim Diaz has been invited to be a part of the Inter-Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é Program for Latino Research Working Group: Language & Cognition to analyze and work with Latina/o linguistic and identity issues and communities, including bilingual/multi-lingual speakers, heritage speakers, and indigenous peoples. The group is sponsored by the Center for Mexican-American Studies & Department of Mexican-American and Latina/o Studies, The Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é of Texas at Austin.
Summer 2015: Jerry Reyes has been admitted to the 2015 Summer Seminar in Philosophy hosted and organized by the Department of Philosophy at the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é of Colorado, Boulder. The theme for this year's seminar is "Matters of Life and Death" and admission to the Seminar is very competitive, admitting only 15-20 students.
June 2015: Assistant Professor Caroline Arruda will present her paper "Others' Expectations, Self-Constitution and Practical Reason" at the 6th Annual Meeting on Ethics and Political Philosophy, Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é of Minho, Braga, Portugal.
June 2015: Assistant Professor Caroline Arruda will present her paper "The Varieties of Moral Improvement, or Why Constructivism Must Explain Moral Progress" at the Moral Progress: Concept, Measurement, and Application conference held at Vrije Universiteit - Amsterdam in Amersterdam, The Netherlands. Sponsored by the journal Ethical Theory and Moral Practice.
June 2015: Graduate Student Sharon Murillo has been admitted to the prestigious Institute for Recruitment of Teachers Associate Program.
May 2015: Assistant Professor Amy Reed-Sandoval and Professor Linda Martín Alcoff (CUNY) have co-organized a panel, "Philosophical Perspectives on Anti-Latino/a Racism," for the Latin American Studies Association ("LASA") conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Apr 2015: Amy Reed-Sandoval, Sharon Murillo, and Luis Rubén Díaz will be presenting papers at the upcoming Crítica Jurídica conference at the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez on Wednesday, 29 April 2015. They will be participating in a panel devoted to philosophical perspectives on the Ayotzinapa tragedy.
Apr 2015: Visiting Assistant Professor Kim Diaz has been invited to present her paper "American Indigenism and Democracy: Churchill, Marshall, and Villoro on Assimilation, Pluralism, and Autonomy" at the Latin American Philosophy Symposium to be held at the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é of San Francisco.
Apr 2015: Visiting Assistant Professor Kim Diaz will present her paper, "Mexican-America Philosophy: Cesar Chavez and Gloria Anzaldua on Moving Forward" at the upcoming group meeting on Mexican-American Philosophy arranged by the Radical Philosophy Association, American Philosophical Association - Pacific Division Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada).
Apr 2015: Assistant Professor Amy Reed-Sandoval's article "Deportations as Theaters of Inequality" has been accepted for publication in Public Affairs Quarterly 29.2 (2015).
Mar 2015: Assistant Professor Amy Reed-Sandoval's review of Carols Pereda's La filosofia en México en el siglo XX: Apuntes de un participante has been accepted for publication in a forthcoming issue of The Inter-American Journal of Philosophy.
Mar 2015: Undergraduate major Ilana Gomez will present her paper, "A Response to Terry Horgan and Mark Timmons' Argument Against Metaphysical Ethical Naturalism," at the 2015 New Mexico - Texas Philosophical Society meeting in Houston, TX.
Mar 2015: Undergraduate major Sydney Candelario will present her paper, "TBD," at the 2015 New Mexico - Texas Philosophical Society meeting in Houston, TX.
Mar 2015: Undergraduate major Abraham Monteros has been invited to give a poster presentation at the upcoming PLATO (Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization) conference "Equity and Inquiry," which will be held at the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é of Washington, Seattle.
Mar 2015: Graduate student Sergio Tarin will present his poster, "Phenomenological Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue of Ethics," at the 2015 UTEP Interdisciplinary Research (IDR) Symposium: Strategies for Enabling Interdisciplinary Research.
Mar 2015: Assistant Professor Amy Reed-Sandoval has been invited to participate in a presentation about Carlos Pereda's La filosofía en México en el siglo XX: Apuntes de un partipante on Friday, March 27 at 11:00am at the Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Administración in Cuidad Juárez. Other commentators on the book include Roberto Sanchez Benítez and Victor Hernández. The session will be moderated by Roberto Estrada. The event is free and open to the public.
Feb 2015: Assistant Professor Amy Reed-Sandoval, Director of UTEP's Philosophy for Children in the Borderlands, was the focus of a feature report in The Key Reporter, the Phi Beta Kappa journal. In the article, Amy explains her desire to share philosophy with people who lie beyond the scope of the academic community, especially the children of Oaxaca. Read the full article here.
Feb 2015: Assistant Professor Amy Reed-Sandoval's article, "Oaxaca Transborder Communities and the Political Philosophy of Immigration" has been accepted for publication in a forthcoming issue of International Journal of Applied Philosophy.
Feb 2015: Aleksander Pjevalica has been named Undergraduate Advisor. Congratulations, Aleks!
Feb 2015: Graduate student Sharon Murillo will present her poster "Liberating One's Self from a Community of Inquiry" at the 2015 Association for Practical and Professional Ethics.
• 2014 •
Dec 2014: Assistant Professor Amy Reed-Sandoval will present "Immigration and Indigenous Identity" at the 2014 American Philosophical Association - Eastern Division meeting in Philadelphia, PA as a part of the panel: "Immigration and Identity."
Nov 2014: Professor Jules Simon's article "Urban Desertification and a Phenomenology of Sustainability: The Case of El Paso, Texas" has been published in Interdisciplinary Environmental Review (IER) 15.2/3 (2014): 160-182.
Nov 2014: Professor Jules Simon's article "From Hegel to Rosenzweig: From What is Rational ... and What is Actual, to What is Ethical" has been published in Rosenzweig Jahrbuch/Yearbook 8/9, Verlag Karl Alber GmbH Freiburg/München (2014): 112-128.
13 Nov 2014: The Provost, the Vice President for Research, and the Dean of Liberal Arts celebrated the accomplishments of Assistant Professor Caroline Arruda for her project: "Agency: Theoretical, Moral, and Empirical Dimensions" by hosting a reception at the El Paso Natural Gas Conference Center, from 400-600pm.
3-4 Nov 2014: Visiting Assistant Professor Kim Diaz was invited to present "El significado del pensamiento politico de Luis Villoro para los Estados Unidos de Norte America" at the Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México D.F.
Oct 2014: Assistant Professor Caroline Arruda's review of Margaret Gilbert's Joint Commitment: How We Make the Social World published in Ethics (25.1) 2014 (available here).
31 Oct 2014: Assistant Professor Caroline Arruda has been invited to present "The Metaethical Problem of Suffering" at the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é of Colorado - Boulder's Department of Philosophy's Center for Values and Social Policy.
27 Oct 2014: Professor Jules Simon presented "Rosenzweig's Concept of 'Ethicality' in Hegel and the State" at the International Congress of the Franz Rosenzweig Society "After the Star of Redemption. Franz Rosenzweig in Frankfurt: Bildung - Speech Thinking - Translation" at Goethe Universität am Main, Frankfurt, Germany.
23 Oct 2014: Professor Jules Simon presented "Beyond Introductions: Phenomenological Ethics as a Contender" at the 2014 Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences annual conference in New Orleans, LA.
Oct 2014: Assistant Professor Amy Reed-Sandoval has published "The Oaxaca Philosophy for Children Initiative as Place-Based Philosophy: Why Context Matters in Philosophy for Children" in the APA Newsletter for Hispanic / Latino Issues in Philosophy 14.1 (2014): 9-12 [available here].
Oct 2014: Assistant Professor Caroline Arruda presented "The Humean Theory of Motivation: Psychological or Metaphysical?" to the 68th Annual Meeting of the Mountain-Plains Philosophy Conference.
Sep 2014: Assistant Professor Amy Reed-Sandoval has been invited to present "Deportations as Theaters of Inequality" at New Mexico State Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é.
Sept 2014: Assistant Professor Caroline Arruda presented "Sharing Goals and Sharing Intentions" at the Collective Intentionality IX Conference held by Indiana Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é - Bloomington.
Sept 2014: Assistant Professor Caroline Arruda presented "Constitutivism and the Self-Reduction Requirement," on the panel "Constitutivist Accounts of Agency: A New Foundation for Morality?" at the 8th Annual European Consortium on Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é of Glasgow.
Aug 2014: Undergraduate major Paola Lujan has been accepted to the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é of Texas School of Law, which is ranked 15th in the United States.
Aug 2014: Assistant Professor Caroline Arruda will present "Phenomenal Well-Being, Suffering and Full Information Accounts of the Good" in the Poster Session of the Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress (RoME) at the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é of Colorado - Boulder.
Jul 13-20, 2014: Undergraduate major and soon-to-be graduate student in Philosophy Sharon Murillo has been accepted to the Rutgers Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é Philosophy department's 2014 Summer Institute for Diversity. Congratulations Sharon!
8 May 2014: Sarah Buss (Michigan) will present her paper, "Personal Ideals, Moral Requirements, and the Ideal of Rational Agency," at 430pm in Quinn Hall Room 212.
May 2014: Undergraduate major Paola Lujan has accepted an offer of admission to Indiana Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é's Maurer School of Law, which comes with a generous merit scholarship.
Apr 2014: Assistant Professor Caroline Arruda's paper, "Shared Intention and Reasons for Action," has been accepted for a Symposium at the annual American Philosophical Association - Pacific Division Meeting in San Diego, CA.
Apr 2014: Assistant Professor Luciana Garbayo's paper, "The Environmental Burden of Diarrhea in Young Children Attributable to Inadequate Sanitation in Brazil," (w/ TCM Sousa, C Barcellos, AF Oliveira, and J Schramm) has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene for Development.
Apr 2014: Undergraduate Philosophy major Reyes Espinoza has been accepted for admission to the Ph.D. in Philosophy program at Purdue Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é and is a recipient of a Purdue doctoral fellowship for academic year 2014-2015. Congratulations Reyes!
Apr 2014: Undergraduate Philosophy major Ryan Lee has been accepted for admission to the Law School at Case Western Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é. Congratulations Ryan!
Apr 9, 2014: Ajume Wingo (CU-Boulder) will present "A Free Person as a Maker of Surprises" at 400pm in Quinn Hall Room 212.
Apr 5, 2014: Undergraduate major Reyes Espinoza presented his paper, "Art, Economics, and Morality," at the 15th Annual Appalachian Undergraduate Philosophy Conference hosted by the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é of North Carolina - Asheville.
Apr 4, 2014: Elisabeth Camp (Rutgers) will present her paper "Insinuation, Indirection, and the Conversation Record" as the UTEP Centennial Keynote Address to the 65th annual New Mexico - Texas Philosophical Society Conference. The presentation will be at 500pm in Quinn Hall.
Apr 4-6, 2014: Graduate Student Ramon Alvarado will present his paper "An Alternative Account of Moral Supervenience" at the annual New Mexico - Texas Philosophical Society meeting.
Apr 4-6, 2014: M.A. Alumnus Aaron Alvarez will present his paper "Memory in Self-Intellection" at the annual New Mexico - Texas Philosophical Society meeting.
Apr 4-6, 2014: Undergraduate Sharon Murillo will present her paper "Self-Respect and Its Importance to Rawls' Theory of Justice" at the annual New Mexico - Texas Philosophical Society meeting.
Apr 4-6,2014: Graduate Student Chavah Schwartz will present her paper "Autonomy in Agency: You Are What You Do" at the annual New Mexico - Texas Philosophical Society meeting.
Apr 4-6, 2014: Graduate Student Sergio Tarin will present his paper "The Pragmatic Constraints of Barnard and Horgan's Mediated Correspondence" at the annual New Mexico - Texas Philosophical Society meeting.
Apr 4-6, 2014: Associate Professor Emeritus Bill Springer will present his paper "Philosophical Reflections on Teleology" at the annual New Mexico - Texas Philosophical Society meeting.
Apr 4-6, 2014: Assistant Professor Luciana Garbayo will present her paper, "A Naturalized Bridge to Virtue Epistemology" as her Presidential Address for the New Mexico - Texas Philosophical Society meeting.
Apr 4-6, 2014: There will be a special session of the New Mexico-Texas Philosophical Society meeting dedicated to the Centennial Celebration of UTEP entitled: "Threading the Past into the Future: Historical Reflections on Our Philosophical Identities at the Border", which will feature Professor Emeritus Jack Haddox, Associate Professor Emeritus William Springer, Associate Professor Emeritus Peter Robinson, Professor Jules Simon, and Assistant Professor Amy Reed-Sandoval.
Apr 4-6, 2014: The Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é of Texas at El Paso will host the annual New Mexico - Texas Philosophical Society meeting. The conference program will be available on the Society's website here. Elisabeth Camp (Rutgers) will present her paper, "Insinuation, Indirection, and the Conversational Record," as a keynote address.
Apr 3, 2014: Elisabeth Camp (Rutgers) will present "Playing with Concepts: Logic, Association, and Imagination" to the department and guests as a part of the celebration of UTEP's Centennial Anniversary.
Apr 2014: Assistant Professor Luciana Garbayo's paper, "Epistemic Considerations on Expert Disagreement, Normative Justification, and Inconsistency Regarding Multi-Criteria Decision Making," has been published in Constraint Programming and Decision Making edited by Martine Ceberio and Vladik Kreinovich (Dordrecht: Springer), pp. 35-45.
Mar 21, 2014: Franz-Peter Griesmaier (Wyoming) will present "Lucky Justification" to the department and guests of the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é.
ABSTRACT: Gettier showed that a justified belief that is only luckily true is not knowledge; I try to show that a true belief that is only luckily justified is not knowledge either. If correct, this result jeopardizes all those theories that, like evidentialism, fail to make justification sensitive to the circumstances under which one's evidence was acquired.
Feb 2014: Amy Reed-Sandoval hired as a tenure-track assistant professor in the Philosophy department, specializing in Latin American Philosophy and Political Philosophy.
Feb 2014: Assistant Professor Luciana Garbayo interviewed by local affiliation of national public radio celebrating the achievements of researchers at UTEP (available here).
Feb 2014: M.A. alumna Nadia Ruiz presented her work, "Self-Understanding and Gender," at the 7th Annual Southeast Philosophy Congress hosted by Clayton State Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é in Morrow, Georgia.
Feb 2014: Graduate Student Sergio Tarin will present his paper "The Pragmatic Constraints of Barnard and Horgan's Mediated Correspondence" at the annual MidSouth Philosophy Conference meeting in Memphis, TN.
• 2013 •
Nov 2013: The Boise State Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é Philosophy department invited Associate Professor Marc Moffett to give two colloquia talks: "Philosophy, Hunting, and Fair Chase" and "Conceptions, Understanding, and Wisdom."