Student Association of Social Workers (SASW)
President: | Carla D. Corbett | |
Internal Vice President: | Angelica Rodriguez | |
External Vice President: | Jessica Lee Fraga | |
Secretary: | Danielle Monteros | |
Treasure: | Allison Colunga | |
Membership Chair: | Faith Cuellar | |
Historian/Media Coordinator: | Norma Sandoval | |
BSW Junior Senator: | Jazmin Pino | |
BSW Senior Senator: | Stephanie Salinas | |
MSW 1 st Year Senator: | Ana Karen Acuna | |
MSW 2 nd Year Senator: | Madeline Titlebaum | |
Facility Advisor: | Erica Balderrama | |
The Student Association of Social Workers at the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é of Texas at El Paso recognizes and believes that student participation is a necessary component to complete the learning experience, so thereby and henceforth be it stated that:
The Student Association of Social Workers at the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é of Texas at El Paso is an organization aimed at:
- Enhancing the students’ learning and skill development in social work
- Encouraging social change through participation in university and community projects
The Student Association of Social Workers at the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é of Texas at El Paso sets forth the following purpose and goals:
A. To encourage the empowerment of students’ interest in the social work field.
B. To promote student participation in the university and community life by:
- encouraging student involvement in the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é of Texas at El Paso through participation in various university activities.
- having officers alternate the duty of actively representing student interests and concerns to faculty and the larger UTEP community.
- providing additional training/instruction opportunities with a specific focus on social work in the border region.
- encouraging participation in community activities that are in accordance with the Student Association of Social Workers’ philosophy.
- encouraging members to join the NASW and provide information on the local chapter of the NASW, the Rio Grande Chapter.
C. To have an elected Board of Officers who will represent and coordinate student activities within the university and community.
D. To promote student awareness of the Social Work Program within the university, the social work profession, and the community.
Membership is open to UTEP students pursuing a career in Social Work. Graduate Social Work Declared major must maintain an overall G.P.A. of 3.0 and pay an annual membership fee. Undergraduate Social Work Declared major must maintain an overall G.P.A. of 2.8 and pay an annual membership fee. Undeclared social work major members must maintain an overall G.P.A. of 2.5 and pay an annual membership fee. Membership is for the academic year in which the student joins the organization. All members will be encouraged to participate in SASW activities and attend general meetings.A. Texas Board of Regent's Membership Statement: At the beginning of each academic year, each registered student or group must file
with the appropriate institutional officer an affidavit stating that the organization or group does not, and will not during the year, have as
a member any person who is not a student or a member of the faculty or staff of the institution.
B. The membership fee is required of all members and will be paid upon acceptance into the organization. Dues will be determined each
year at the first meeting of the Board and must receive a 2/3 majority vote of the Board in order to change the fee to be paid by all
members for dues. Membership dues are nonrefundable.
C. Each member shall be entitled to one vote in conjunction with the election of Board officers and Senators for each class. The Board shall
decide all other matters in conjunction with the administration and operation of the Association’s affairs.
D. Each member who fulfills the commitment of participation with activities, volunteer activities, and/or donations shall be awarded the
SASW Cord for graduation ceremonies. Members must volunteer for 3 separate community events in the school year for at least 2
consecutive hours. Volunteering may be done within UTEP’s chosen organizations or another non-profit organization. However, if a
member chooses to volunteer at another non-profit organization, it will need to be approved by an official vote by the board. BSW
or MSW internships do not count toward these hours.
E. The Board may suspend or expel any member of the Association for cause after an appropriate hearing with the Board and by an
affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the Board present at any regularly constituted Board meeting. The cause may include
but is not limited to disciplinary action, unethical behavior, and violation of university policies.
F. Any member may resign by filing a written resignation submitted to the President and filed by the Secretary. Still, such resignation shall
not relieve the member resigning of the obligation to pay any assessment or other charge theretofore accrued and unpaid.
G. Membership in the Association is open to all students meeting the criteria for membership regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity,
culture, disability, sexual orientation, or beliefs. The Association will support the cultivation of an inclusive membership that reflects the
diversity of the program.
Non-Discrimination Policy (In Article 3: Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é Policies)
In accordance with the UTEP Student Organization Handbook, this organization may not deny membership on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, disability, citizenship, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, except that a registered student organization created primarily for religious purposes may restrict the right to vote or hold office to persons who subscribe to the registered student organization’s statement of faith; and a registered student organization may restrict membership based on the provisions of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.