Transferring to UTEP - College of Health Sciences
CHS Academic advisors are here to help you plan your path to transfer to UTEP.
In order to transfer to UTEP you must:
- Apply to UTEP: Please visit . All applications are received electronically. Paper applications are no longer accepted.
- Submit transcripts from each of your previous institutions to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment.
- Attend a Transfer Orientation run by the Office of New Student Orientation (915-747-6752; ). You can contact the Office of New Student Orientation for information on orientation dates and content.
Transferring from one school to another can be tricky, and that's why the Student Support Center Academic Advisors have the following recommendations regarding transferring in to UTEP:
- Feel free to reach out to us at for pre-transfer advising - we can help even before you transfer. CHS Advisors can check to ensure the courses you are taking at your current institution will apply to your UTEP degree after you transfer. You can also check course equivalency yourself at .
- You should begin the transfer process early to ensure that you are ready to be advised by the time registration begins each semester. Registration begins in late October for Spring and in late March for Summer and Fall. It takes time for admissions paperwork to be processed and for transcripts to be evaluated, so it is recommended that you start the transfer process well before your desired start date at UTEP.
- Transcript evaluation is vital to the transfer process. Without evaluated transcripts, you cannot be advised for courses at UTEP. We want to make sure you are given credit for all the coursework you will be bringing in to UTEP from other schools so that you do not take any unnecessary courses once you start at UTEP. Make it a priority to make sure that all of your transcripts have been sent to UTEP and evaluated.
- As soon as your transcripts are evaluated, an academic advisor can assist you. They will be able to give you information on your desired major, answer any questions you may have, and advise you academically. This normally happens during the Transfer Student Orientation, where you will be advised and regsiter for your classes.