College of Liberal Arts
This interdisciplinary program provides students a unique experience given UTEP's border proximity, and covers fundamental and content-specific leadership concepts. Courses help students broaden and hone their abilities to communicate and to analyze with intelligence and creativity, and to prepare graduates for positions in the private and public sectors, to include nonprofits.
Acquire leadership skills and learn critical concepts, theories and strategies to prepare for current and future career prospects
Concentrations in communication, intelligence/national security, community engagement and public administration
Faculty from diverse research and practice backgrounds deliver courses in online, hybrid and in-class formats
Todd Brown, an Army command sergeant major, is passionate about team building in dynamic environments. He enrolled in the MLS program to add academic structure to his military experience. Todd said the program gave him a unique perspective on each new leadership challenge, and he plans to use each lesson as a chief operating officer with a national food distribution company.
Employers want to hire creative and adaptable thinkers. As a result, people with a Leadership Studies master’s degree are in demand in media, health care, government and human resources, to name a few fields.