High Performance Cluster
The High Performance Computing (HPC) services are specialized to meet the current and upcoming requirements of UTEP’s researchers. These services allow all researchers and colleges to access computing resources for very complex data analysis, solving numerical problems and execute any scientific software code as needed. The infrastructure offers industry strength hard and software technology with easy to use interfaces. UTEP HPC shares knowledge and collaborates with established HPC centers such as TACC at UT Austin.
TACC is available to the UTEP community when more complex analysis or when additional resources are required, please visit their site for further information:
The Partner Model
UTEP’s HPC offers a wide variety of services at no costs for researchers and academic groups on campus. These entities formulate all requirements for their HPC environment which are then used by the HPC group to define the hardware configuration. UTEP HPC is not contractually related to any hardware vendor and negotiates the best price with all major vendors on the market. The partner is presented with the best offers for a onetime investment for the actual computer hardware. All services to integrate the computers in an end to end solution are covered by UTEP HPC.
While the partner uses the specialized environment exclusively it is still possible for them to access generic nonexclusive resources available in UTEP’s HPC system at no costs if needed.
These services include:
- License server
- Network integration
- Queueing setup
- Hardware installation in local data center
- Data storage
- Backup
- Monitoring
- Hadware/software maintenance
- User support
- User interfaces
- User management
- OS and software installation